About Us

Come in and find out why mining matters to you. Decide what to see, and get ready to visit us!


What We
Are All About

The National Mining Hall of Fame and Museum is a monument to the memory of the men and women who pioneered the discovery, development, and processing of our nation's natural resources.

Our Mission

To tell the story of mining, its people, its importance to the American public, and to society's sustainability.

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What to See
what to see


Known as the "Smithsonian of the Rockies" and the "Premier Showcase of American Mining," the National Mining Hall of Fame and Museum houses 25,000 square feet of interactive and informative exhibits. We share the evolving narrative of mining and its relationship to our everyday lives.

We are the only national mining museum with a federal charter, approved in 1988. Our location is fitting: We are within a National Historic District in the famous 1880s silver boomtown of Leadville, Colorado.

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What once was a deserted Victorian school building now houses the National Mining Hall of Fame and Museum, which has a storied history.

After being incorporated in Colorado in 1977, the National Mining Hall of Fame had raised and spent money on various projects but could not afford to construct a new building. A group of Directors decided to acquire an existing building in a mining community, a permanent site for a landmark location.

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